Design Proposal Template

This is a typical template I use when working with clients to ensure that before I "break ground" on a new project or feature, I have gathered as much pertinent information from the organization as possible, giving me the best chance to deliver a product that meets or exceeds key stakeholder needs.


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Reviewer Status Last Reviewed Date
name | email Approved | In Progress | Assigned

Re: (typically I’ll link to other documents that inspired this document)


Defines canonical terms that are essential for the rest of the document. This is often the most valuable piece of a design proposal, as it codifies language around a particular domain-specific problem.


Gives background on the project. Good topics to cover are:

  • The players involved
  • The company history around the topic
  • Previous efforts made to serve key stakeholders in this area
  • Cursory details of the project (if possible)


Provides justification for moving forward by addressing potential blockers and defining:

  • The problem
  • The proposed solution
  • The expected outcome

Out of Scope

Defines specific details that are not in-scope for the project. This is often the second most valuable piece of a design proposal, as it functions as an informal contract between designers, implementers, and other key stakeholders that defines the boundaries of the project.

Implementation Plan

The _first section defines specific details for how to accomplish the task. Includes things like:

  • Technologies used
  • Dependencies
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Testing
  • Timelines (sometimes)

Next Steps

Most next steps will depend on the details of the Implementation Plan, however, a common next step is to create one-or-many Change Reviews defining the release process.


A collection of links to the relevant documentation, code repositories, external tooling etc. that will help the reader understand the proposal and eventually implement the aforementioned feature.