Change Review Template

I often work with non-enterprise companies, or enterprise teams that have little or no formal release strategy. Having worked in highly-regulated environments, I've also seen release processes that move at a glacial pace. This template is something in between that I tend to use with my clients.

Change Request:

Scheduled Change:

Person Status Role
name | email Not Started | Blocked | In Progress | Completed Change Reviewer | Code Reviewer | Verifier | Implementer


Provide a summary of the goal of this change request.


Why is this change necessary?

Implementer Due-Diligence

What steps has the implementer taken so far to help this Change go smoothly?

Steps to Complete

Execution Plan

The specific step-by-step plan to execute the change


How do we recover if things don’t go according to plan?

Time to Complete

How long will the change take?

Time to Verify

How long will we need to monitor the change before we’re confident it is working as expected?